
‘Fortuna’ Cigar House mission statement:

  • ‘Fortuna’ Cigar House is the expert in the whole range of OTP (other tobacco products)
  • ‘Fortuna’ Cigar House develops the culture of OTP consumption in Ukraine
  • ‘Fortuna’ Cigar House creates optimal conditions for Ukrainian customers with different needs and income level for purchasing and consumption of qualitative tobacco products
  • ‘Fortuna’ Cigar House gives Ukrainian smokers the widest assortment of the best world known brands of OTP and accessories

  The company was founded in 1999 and it was the first official operator in domestic OTP market. Foundation of the company and it’s activity became a catalyst of OTP market formation and it’s development. During its activity FCH has presented more than 300 new brands of machine-made and hand-made cigars, pipe, RYO, hookah-tobacco and snuff as well as accompanying accessories of world famous producers to Ukrainian customers.

‘Fortuna’ Cigar House is a dynamicly developing company. At the moment staff of FCH consists of 1200 employees, but this number has been constantly increasing as the business activity of the company expands.

